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people sitting operating radios

First Time User

VolunteerHam was built to give you, the volunteer, the ability to track the hours and miles you travel when you volunteer. Besides your time donated as a volunteer is priceless why not keep track of it. Best of all, this site is free to use.

See Why VolunteerHam Works
Two volunteers on a bridge overseeing operations.

Public Service

Although Amateur Radio has a long history as an electronics and communications hobby, it also has a long history of public service communications. Public service has been a traditional component of the Amateur Radio service since 1913.

Serve your Community
a group of people in a training session


Newly licensed or been a ham for decades and looking to expand your knowledge of ham radio and all it has to offer. Clubs are often a radio amateur's link to local hams, activities, and training opportunities.

Expand your Knowledge

Our Volunteer Service

In 2024 ham radio operators have actively been volunteering their services.*


Total Members


Active Members Last 30 Days


Total Hours Volunteered


Total Miles Traveled

1528.25 hrs - 1115 events

Operating on the Air,
Nets, and Skywarn

217.75 hrs - 41 events

Emcom and Exercises

1095.25 hrs - 214 events

Trainings Opportunities and Community Events

1554.25 hrs - 646 events

Meetings and Other Related Activities

*Data has not been audited or verified.

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
Winston Churchill

2023 In Review

Despite a global pandemic in 2023 Ham operators still continued to train and volunteer their services.


Hours of Service


Different Event




Dollars Donated